I cut out the collar for Harley Quinn, but I may have gotten the dimensions wrong...I need to sew it together and see if its going to work.
I cut out the black broadcloth (left over from the crazy quilt skirt base) to use for my corset lining. EDIT 11/27/2011: I hand basted the lining to the denim interlining and pinned everything together to start corset construction tomorrow.
And I finished panel number three for my crazy quilt skirt. I left all three completed panels at my mother's house for her to work on embroidering. I have some fancy embroidery threads that I need to hunt down and take to her the next time I visit.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Pink Jumper Pictures and Crazy Quilt Skirt News!
First up, some pictures of my new pink jumper that I wore yesterday:

As full length of a photo as I could get and I do apologize for the obligatory bathroom cell phone picture, I figured it was better than nothing.

Close up of the hem, where I used polyester horsehair braid to give it some body.

Close up of the neckline with hand done decorative topstitching in gray thread to match the pinstripes.
Now I just need a gray blouse...
In other news, I finished ANOTHER panel of my crazy quilt skirt:

And it's nowhere near as purple as it looks in this picture...Stupid lighting.
Besides finishing panel #2 last night, I also worked on my corset. All the pieces (except the lining) are cut out. I decided that what I used for the pattern was not sturdy enough for the lining. It is going to become interlining for the silk, then I'll have a layer of denim then black broadcloth as the corset lining.
What's in Miss Wilde's Sewing Basket for the weekend? (aka my weekend to do list)
1. Pattern, fabric and pompoms for Harley Quinn collar.
2. Teal silk corset, including broadcloth to cut out for the lining.
3. Crazy quilt skirt.
4. I also packed some little bits (such as fake coins) that will be used on my gypsy steampunk costume somewhere.
A bientot mes amis and Happy Thanksgiving!

As full length of a photo as I could get and I do apologize for the obligatory bathroom cell phone picture, I figured it was better than nothing.

Close up of the hem, where I used polyester horsehair braid to give it some body.

Close up of the neckline with hand done decorative topstitching in gray thread to match the pinstripes.
Now I just need a gray blouse...
In other news, I finished ANOTHER panel of my crazy quilt skirt:

And it's nowhere near as purple as it looks in this picture...Stupid lighting.
Besides finishing panel #2 last night, I also worked on my corset. All the pieces (except the lining) are cut out. I decided that what I used for the pattern was not sturdy enough for the lining. It is going to become interlining for the silk, then I'll have a layer of denim then black broadcloth as the corset lining.
What's in Miss Wilde's Sewing Basket for the weekend? (aka my weekend to do list)
1. Pattern, fabric and pompoms for Harley Quinn collar.
2. Teal silk corset, including broadcloth to cut out for the lining.
3. Crazy quilt skirt.
4. I also packed some little bits (such as fake coins) that will be used on my gypsy steampunk costume somewhere.
A bientot mes amis and Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 21, 2011
More To Do List Progress - Fall / Winter Sewing and Gypsy Steampunk
The navy jumper is DONE. The zipper went in well, the jumper fit pretty perfectly, and while the neckline / armholes / hem took a while, it went fine as well. I plan on wearing it tomorrow and I'm wearing the pink jumper today!
I didn't work on the Harley Quinn collar. I decided I'd rather pack it for the trip to my parents' this weekend. Also packed will be the corset and the crazy quilt skirt.
I actually started on the corset last night. I combined three patterns: McCalls 6097 for the back (which I then cut in two to give me a side back seam), a modified underbust version of McCalls 4107 for the center front, and Simplicity 3618 for the side front. I trimmed pieces as needed to fit together more smoothly and clipped the front strap of the side front in half to give me a spot for it to buckle / snap. I then took apart the pattern which will likely become the lining of the new corset and double checked to see that I had enough silk (which I do) and I also found some denim to use as the interlining. It's not as heavy as I'd like, but it will do.
With me today is the corset to cut out and the crazy quilt skirt, I started panel number two last evening after working on the corset.
I feel like I'm making good progress on my December 31 to do list.
I didn't work on the Harley Quinn collar. I decided I'd rather pack it for the trip to my parents' this weekend. Also packed will be the corset and the crazy quilt skirt.
I actually started on the corset last night. I combined three patterns: McCalls 6097 for the back (which I then cut in two to give me a side back seam), a modified underbust version of McCalls 4107 for the center front, and Simplicity 3618 for the side front. I trimmed pieces as needed to fit together more smoothly and clipped the front strap of the side front in half to give me a spot for it to buckle / snap. I then took apart the pattern which will likely become the lining of the new corset and double checked to see that I had enough silk (which I do) and I also found some denim to use as the interlining. It's not as heavy as I'd like, but it will do.
With me today is the corset to cut out and the crazy quilt skirt, I started panel number two last evening after working on the corset.
I feel like I'm making good progress on my December 31 to do list.
- My fall / winter sewing is DONE.
- The gypsy steampunk crazy quilt skirt and corset are well underway.
- The Harley Quinn collar and cuffs are in the planning stages.
- I'd like to make a hat of some sort for my elf-punk dress, but its wearable as is.
- And I've sorted out a lot of fabric for some stash sewing.
- Also I have fabric for a couple Christmas presents that I need to work on, but neither will take much time.
crazy quilt,
fall / winter,
gypsy steampunk,
Harley Quinn,
normal clothes,
to do list
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Progress on Fall / Winter Sewing To Do List
As you all know, my Keeper of the Keys skirt is finished.
And today I worked on both jumpers (which were already cut out). The pink pinstriped full skirted version is DONE. I just finished hand sewing the bodice lining in place and put a little decorative top-stitching around the neckline.
The navy jumper is to the hand sewing point. First I need to put the zipper in, then do a fitting to make sure I like how it fits. Then comes doing the hem, neckline and armholes by hand. There is no way I'm going to stitch any of that on a machine with that wide wale corduroy. It would look awful I'm sure.
And as I posted yesterday, panel one of the crazy quilt skirt is complete.
I pulled out the blouse for the gypsy steampunk outfit and the teal silk I wanted to use for a corset and I think it is going to work. The color is good and I have one yard of the silk which should be plenty. First step of that project is making the pattern. I'll probably base it off of several corset and bodice patterns and combine the different pieces to get what I want.
Tomorrow I'll finish the navy jumper and hopefully work on the Harley Quinn collar and maybe even the crazy quilt skirt. I need to decide what I'm packing for my trip home and get that packed no later than Monday (work a double Tuesday and leave Wednesday right after work).
That's it for now my dearest friends! A bientot!
And today I worked on both jumpers (which were already cut out). The pink pinstriped full skirted version is DONE. I just finished hand sewing the bodice lining in place and put a little decorative top-stitching around the neckline.
The navy jumper is to the hand sewing point. First I need to put the zipper in, then do a fitting to make sure I like how it fits. Then comes doing the hem, neckline and armholes by hand. There is no way I'm going to stitch any of that on a machine with that wide wale corduroy. It would look awful I'm sure.
And as I posted yesterday, panel one of the crazy quilt skirt is complete.
I pulled out the blouse for the gypsy steampunk outfit and the teal silk I wanted to use for a corset and I think it is going to work. The color is good and I have one yard of the silk which should be plenty. First step of that project is making the pattern. I'll probably base it off of several corset and bodice patterns and combine the different pieces to get what I want.
Tomorrow I'll finish the navy jumper and hopefully work on the Harley Quinn collar and maybe even the crazy quilt skirt. I need to decide what I'm packing for my trip home and get that packed no later than Monday (work a double Tuesday and leave Wednesday right after work).
That's it for now my dearest friends! A bientot!
Friday, November 18, 2011
To Do List to Complete by December 31, 2011
I think December 31 will make a lovely due date, don't you? Since I have no events to count down to until January.
My basic to do list:
First up, Harley Quinn revamp in two parts:
Oh and I need to make a toaster cover for a Christmas present. But I forgot to measure the toaster...
What I'd like to get done this weekend:
My basic to do list:
- fall/winter sewing
- elf punk
- sewing for Miss Von Stoup
- Harley Quinn revamp
- patchwork skirt for gypsy-punk
- stash sewing: cream and black satin, black and silver plaid, purple linen, bright pink satin
- corsets
First up, Harley Quinn revamp in two parts:
- Comic book version: Made a pattern for the new collar. I need to make the new collar and make the cuffs.
- Steampunk version: Finished sewing trim around the jacket edges and to the skirt hem. I may need to purchase a little more trim.
- I have two jumpers cut out and started pinning them.
- And I finished the Keeper of the Keys skirt.
- I finished the elf punk bustle.
- I'd like to make a hat for the elf punk ensemble.
- Patchwork crazy quilt skirt is started.
- And I'm thinking of doing a teal silk high backed corset vest if (1) I have enough fabric and (2) the silk coordinates well with the blouse.
Oh and I need to make a toaster cover for a Christmas present. But I forgot to measure the toaster...
What I'd like to get done this weekend:
- Pink full skirted jumper.
- Navy slim skirt jumper.
- Harley Quinn collar.
- Work on crazy quilt skirt.
Updated Completed Projects List for 2011 EDITED November 22, 2011
- Kermit the Frog pajama pants
- Imperial Officer uniform
- Catwoman for Miss Dashwood
- Harem pants for Lady of the Ottoman Empire
- Pin Up Skirt
- Joker jacket
- Star Wars quilt top for my beau
- Purple Knit Tunic
- Think Pink Skirt
- Valentine's Nightie
- City Bluescape Skirt
- Imperial Officer pants
- Bob's corset
- Ruffle added to HQ petticoat.
- Cage bustle petticoat.
- Corset for Rachel.
- Steamnun costume for Miss Dashwood.
- Imperial Officer toga for my beau.
- Asian inspired jacket for Miss Von Stoup.
- Persian steampunk.
- Vest for my beau.
- Pink silk dupioni corset.
- Sleep shorts
- Scarlet Spider body suit and hood for a fellow Archonite. - Stash pattern, fabric thread and zipper purchased via Professor Watt
- Embroidered Ottoman vest. - Added decoration to already made vest (that I think was made from stash fabric and pattern). Purchased embroidery supplies.
- For Miss Von Stoup: Asian print circle skirt. Post apoc jacket. Confederate steampunk jacket. - Supplies purchased via Miss Von Stoup.
- Confederate steampunk uniform for myself. - Stash pattern for jacket, no pattern for skirt. Supplies purchased via Miss Von Stoup.
- A Star Wars kilt for Beau. - Stash pattern. Top sheet to sheet set that he never used and stash fabric for sporran and lining. Purchased D rings.
- Time Traveler hat. - Stash hat, fabric and trimmings. Inherited watches.
- Sirwal using Miss Kagashi's tutorial. - Purchased muslin and pink satin, elastic and closures from the stash. This were made for my Persian-punk outfit.
- Also stitched together a couple scarves to make a bustle for the Lady of the Ottoman Empire. - Scarves and thread from my stash.
- Mystery costume aks Watermelon Girl. Made a jacket, a skirt, a blouse and decorated a hat to go with my pink silk underbust corset. Some stash fabric, some purchased fabric. I don't think I purchased any notions.
- Nothing because I was in the process of moving.
- A tutu for my own version of Harley Quinn. Purchased tulle, elastic and thread from the stash.
- My beau's Star Wars quilt that I started about a year ago. - Fabric from my stash, bought a sheet for the backing and purchased binding and batting.
- My mother's Christmas present - A wall hanging from appliqued squares my grandmother made. All I had to buy was the binding.
- Keeper of the Keys skirt - Vogue dress pattern where I just used the skirt, thread, zipper all from the stash and purchased fabric.
- Sewed trim onto Diamonds Are Forever (steampunk Harley Quinn) to improve it. - Purchased trim.
- Elf punk bustle using a Christmas tablecloth, fabric, thread and snaps from the stash.
- Pink pinstriped retro jumper - purchased fabric and pattern, stash thread and zipper.
- Navy slim skirt retro jumper - stash fabric thread and zipper, purchased pattern
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Crazy Quilt Progress and A New Skirt!
First up, some photos of my crazy quilt skirt progress. The first three are of some fabrics I'm using, the last is of the current progress.

Red crushed velvet, brown corduroy, blue brocade, navy wide wale corduroy

Red faux velvet from the Christmas fabrics, brown faux silk, purple pinstriped linen, orange crush velvet, red iridescent taffeta

Gold lace, silver brocade, green faux velvet from the Christmas fabrics, teal crepe, gold faux silk

First panel of my crazy quilt skirt so far.
Secondly, I put together my Keeper of the Keys skirt last night. It took about an hour, waistband, hem, zipper and all. It's a little big, sits on the hips instead of the waist, but I don't know if I want to take it in or not. Also the flannel clings to my tights when I walk, so I may wear it with a petticoat of some sort the next time.

Red crushed velvet, brown corduroy, blue brocade, navy wide wale corduroy

Red faux velvet from the Christmas fabrics, brown faux silk, purple pinstriped linen, orange crush velvet, red iridescent taffeta

Gold lace, silver brocade, green faux velvet from the Christmas fabrics, teal crepe, gold faux silk

First panel of my crazy quilt skirt so far.
Secondly, I put together my Keeper of the Keys skirt last night. It took about an hour, waistband, hem, zipper and all. It's a little big, sits on the hips instead of the waist, but I don't know if I want to take it in or not. Also the flannel clings to my tights when I walk, so I may wear it with a petticoat of some sort the next time.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Progress on my Fall / Winter Sewing To Do List
This weekend, I trimmed my Diamonds are Forever jacket with the tiny white pompoms. I also pinned the darts for both jumpers and pinned together the Keeper of the Keys skirt. And went shopping with my mother and bought fabric for the gypsy steampunk crazy quilt skirt as well as a couple other projects.
Today, I finished the elf punk bustle (snaps and a waistband) and trimmed the Diamonds are Forever skirt (I had extra trim!). I ran a few inches short on the skirt, I'm hoping it doesn't show because of the bustle but if it does, I'll have to buy more trim.
Gypsy Steampunk skirt: I cut out the base fabric, using my walkaway skirt pattern, out of black broadcloth. Then I cut it into six gores, roughly the same size. I started a collection of fabrics to use -- teal crepe, silver brocade, deep orange crushed velvet, burgundy velveteen, gold lace, green velveteen, brown faux silk, purple linen with pinstripes, teal paisley brocade, gold faux silk and black / burgundy iridescent taffeta. My mother said she would help with the embroidery, which is why I went with gores. I can finish one, take it to her and she can embroider it.
Today, I finished the elf punk bustle (snaps and a waistband) and trimmed the Diamonds are Forever skirt (I had extra trim!). I ran a few inches short on the skirt, I'm hoping it doesn't show because of the bustle but if it does, I'll have to buy more trim.
Gypsy Steampunk skirt: I cut out the base fabric, using my walkaway skirt pattern, out of black broadcloth. Then I cut it into six gores, roughly the same size. I started a collection of fabrics to use -- teal crepe, silver brocade, deep orange crushed velvet, burgundy velveteen, gold lace, green velveteen, brown faux silk, purple linen with pinstripes, teal paisley brocade, gold faux silk and black / burgundy iridescent taffeta. My mother said she would help with the embroidery, which is why I went with gores. I can finish one, take it to her and she can embroider it.
Friday, November 11, 2011
A little progress, A little more planning
First of all, I just sat at my desk at work and made a pattern for the Harley Quinn collar. All I did was pull up a picture of Harley and draw until it looked right. Yeah for progress!! I may even take the white taffeta home with me this weekend to work on.
Also in my sewing box for the weekend: Elf Punk bustle. Pink jumper. Navy jumper. Keeper of the Keys skirt. I won't really be able to sew any of it except the bustle, but I can at least start pinning all those freaking darts. I think there's twelve total on each jumper.
I did a little shopping today, mainly notions (needles, elastic and hook and eye closures, you know the necessities) but I also bought six yards of white tiny pompom trim for the Diamonds are Forever jacket and a pattern for my homage to the 18th century.
I purchased Simplicity 4092. Now I know its not really very accurate, but I'm just not much for historical accuracy: that's why I do steampunk. And I think some of the construction details can be altered to make it more accurate, like taking away the back zipper and putting buttons down the front. It was also the closest I could find to this dress (that Beau likes), from Sleepy Hollow. I might make it in the cream and black flocked satin for the bodice with a black petticoat, perhaps trimmed in cream.

Photo from Maggie's Costume Wardrobe.
As for the gypsy steampunk skirt, I've decided to go the crazy quilt route. This is going to be a labor of love my friends. I plan to buy about 4 yards of broadcloth to use as the base fabric and I'm going with a circle skirt style, probably based on the skirt of Butterick 4790. I need to sort through my scraps and even my fabric, picking out the best fabrics (I'm thinking deep rich colors, colors that coordinate with the blouse, and fabrics on the richer end of the spectrum). Once the skirt is put together, I'll start on the embroidery and maybe even the beading. I told you it'd be a labor of love. I'm also contemplating the high backed corset vest out of teal silk dupioni that I have in my stash. If I have enough and if its a good color with the blouse.
I may even take my steampunk Harley Quinn jacket home this weekend so I can start on the trim, thus giving me time over Thanksgiving to devote to the crazy quilt skirt.
A bientot!
Also in my sewing box for the weekend: Elf Punk bustle. Pink jumper. Navy jumper. Keeper of the Keys skirt. I won't really be able to sew any of it except the bustle, but I can at least start pinning all those freaking darts. I think there's twelve total on each jumper.
I did a little shopping today, mainly notions (needles, elastic and hook and eye closures, you know the necessities) but I also bought six yards of white tiny pompom trim for the Diamonds are Forever jacket and a pattern for my homage to the 18th century.
I purchased Simplicity 4092. Now I know its not really very accurate, but I'm just not much for historical accuracy: that's why I do steampunk. And I think some of the construction details can be altered to make it more accurate, like taking away the back zipper and putting buttons down the front. It was also the closest I could find to this dress (that Beau likes), from Sleepy Hollow. I might make it in the cream and black flocked satin for the bodice with a black petticoat, perhaps trimmed in cream.
Photo from Maggie's Costume Wardrobe.
As for the gypsy steampunk skirt, I've decided to go the crazy quilt route. This is going to be a labor of love my friends. I plan to buy about 4 yards of broadcloth to use as the base fabric and I'm going with a circle skirt style, probably based on the skirt of Butterick 4790. I need to sort through my scraps and even my fabric, picking out the best fabrics (I'm thinking deep rich colors, colors that coordinate with the blouse, and fabrics on the richer end of the spectrum). Once the skirt is put together, I'll start on the embroidery and maybe even the beading. I told you it'd be a labor of love. I'm also contemplating the high backed corset vest out of teal silk dupioni that I have in my stash. If I have enough and if its a good color with the blouse.
I may even take my steampunk Harley Quinn jacket home this weekend so I can start on the trim, thus giving me time over Thanksgiving to devote to the crazy quilt skirt.
A bientot!
gypsy steampunk,
Harley Quinn,
sewing bag,
sewing plans
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Musings on Sewing I'd Like to Do Over the Next Year
After finishing my current fall / winter wardrobe sewing (two skirts and two jumpers and maybe something in plaid...high waisted skirt for work / play perhaps...) and after finishing my elf-punk ensemble (I still need to sew some snaps or hooks on to attach the bustle to the apron as well as make a hat), I need to start thinking about next year's convention schedule and what I want to make.
First up is sewing for Miss Von Stoup. I know she wants something out of a black and silver fabric we purchased on our summer shopping trip, but I need to sit down with her to discuss it.
Current convention plans for next year:
For Ohayocon, I want to revamp both of my Harley Quinn outfits. (1) The comic book body suit needs a new collar and cuffs. I already have some white taffeta I can use for the collar, I just need to make the pattern and then add the fluffy balls (which I may have in my stash). The cuffs I plan to make out of trim from Joanns -- it's white pleated ribbon. I think two or three rows of it will give the perfect look. I'd like to make both the collar and the cuffs removable. If possible, I'd also like to make shoe covers and purchase a pair of red gloves. I'm striving for a more accurate costume. (2) I want to add white braid along the jacket edges of my steampunk version and maybe also at the skirt hem, so it flows. This will take some time, because it has to be sewn on by hand. Maybe I'll purchase some braid this weekend with my extra discount so I can work on it over Thanksgiving...I need to measure how much I'll need first.
Other projects in the planning stages:
I might incorporate my pink shawls from my Ottoman steampunk: one as the bustle, the other as a drape or headscarf. If I don't wear the shawl over my hair, I'll wear some sort of scarf or bandanna that coordinates with my outfit. I plan to wear a lot of jewelry: a steampunk necklace a friend gave me, a watch locket from my grandmother, a purple and black necklace of plastic jewels bought from a street vendor in Amsterdam, and maybe my black beaded choker as well. Along with lots of bangles, hoop earrings and probably some rings as well. I have a coin belt that I'll likely wear and I have some coin jewelry charms that I'd like to use as trim somewhere or to make a necklace. Corset wise, I could wear the pink one, my black and silver waist cincher or I could make a new one.

Crazy quilt skirt from Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. I just love Howard Keel, don't you?
Stash sewing ideas: I know I have some cream and black flocked satin that might make a nice polanaise if I have enough OR it could work for an 18th century jacket then all I'd need would be a black petticoat...I also have a length of black and silver plaid left from my black and silver costume, maybe I could make a new skirt so I could be plaid head to toe. Oh I really like that idea. It would probably have to be a shortened skirt because I know there's not enough for a full length version. Although there is always the possibility of a shortened black underskirt trimmed in deep black and silver plaid ruffles. I know I have some purple linen as well...And a ton of other stuff. I really need to go through all my bins. Oh and there's a ton of bright pink satin, maybe that should go towards my 18th century outfit.
How to make an 18th century petticoat links:
http://americanduchess.blogspot.com/2011/02/how-to-make-18th-century-petticoat.html (btw I follow this blog and recommend it highly)
I'm actually rather tempted to adapt patterns in my stash or that are easily purchase-able patterns to make something vaguely 18th century but not 100% accurate. After all, I am a steampunk. Can I steampunk the 18th century?
Corset Ideas:
A ribbon corset. This is a corset made of ribbon instead of fabric. I'm thinking I could adapt my underbust corset pattern to make one of these quite easily. Now do I have any ribbon in my stash...

A ribbon corset from an awesome corsetry blog, Bridges on the Body.
A corset based on Dr. Warner's Sanitary Corset from the late 1870s. It just looks so very steampunk-able to me.

The front buttons...

And the back has elastic. (Photos from the Antique Corset Gallery)
A corset based on the Kabo Girdle 801. This is a wrap around corset which is so unusual and amazing.

Front view

Back view. (Photos from the Antique Corset Gallery).
And now for my newest corset obsession, the corset with shoulder braces. I want to make a high backed, underbust corset with straps that fasten over the shoulders. I've been collecting some denim that might work well with this...or maybe I should do it for my gypsy costume...

From Ageless Patterns
A bientot!
First up is sewing for Miss Von Stoup. I know she wants something out of a black and silver fabric we purchased on our summer shopping trip, but I need to sit down with her to discuss it.
Current convention plans for next year:
- Ohayocon in January. Primarily an anime convention, but there is always a steampunk presence.
- Steampunk Empire Symposium in April. I'll be staying at my parents' house to cut costs so I'll have to really think about each outfit I take and its drive-ability.
- World Steam Expo in May.
- DragonCon in September.
For Ohayocon, I want to revamp both of my Harley Quinn outfits. (1) The comic book body suit needs a new collar and cuffs. I already have some white taffeta I can use for the collar, I just need to make the pattern and then add the fluffy balls (which I may have in my stash). The cuffs I plan to make out of trim from Joanns -- it's white pleated ribbon. I think two or three rows of it will give the perfect look. I'd like to make both the collar and the cuffs removable. If possible, I'd also like to make shoe covers and purchase a pair of red gloves. I'm striving for a more accurate costume. (2) I want to add white braid along the jacket edges of my steampunk version and maybe also at the skirt hem, so it flows. This will take some time, because it has to be sewn on by hand. Maybe I'll purchase some braid this weekend with my extra discount so I can work on it over Thanksgiving...I need to measure how much I'll need first.
Other projects in the planning stages:
- I still really want to make an 18th century costume, either a robe a l'anglaise or a petticoat and jacket combination. This will be a lengthy proposition though, as I need to start from the skin out with stays and pocket hoops or a bumroll.
- I also really want to do a steampunk gypsy costume. I spent time yesterday pouring over Miss Kagashi's post on "The Roving Roma" (http://thesteamerstrunk.blogspot.com/2011/03/cylthe-roving-roma.html) and developing plans.
- And I want to look through all of my fabric and see what I can find to make new costumes. And probably new corsets, maybe even to sell.
- I'd love to make some new corsets. I have tons of ideas, I just need to sit down and execute them.
I might incorporate my pink shawls from my Ottoman steampunk: one as the bustle, the other as a drape or headscarf. If I don't wear the shawl over my hair, I'll wear some sort of scarf or bandanna that coordinates with my outfit. I plan to wear a lot of jewelry: a steampunk necklace a friend gave me, a watch locket from my grandmother, a purple and black necklace of plastic jewels bought from a street vendor in Amsterdam, and maybe my black beaded choker as well. Along with lots of bangles, hoop earrings and probably some rings as well. I have a coin belt that I'll likely wear and I have some coin jewelry charms that I'd like to use as trim somewhere or to make a necklace. Corset wise, I could wear the pink one, my black and silver waist cincher or I could make a new one.

Crazy quilt skirt from Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. I just love Howard Keel, don't you?
Stash sewing ideas: I know I have some cream and black flocked satin that might make a nice polanaise if I have enough OR it could work for an 18th century jacket then all I'd need would be a black petticoat...I also have a length of black and silver plaid left from my black and silver costume, maybe I could make a new skirt so I could be plaid head to toe. Oh I really like that idea. It would probably have to be a shortened skirt because I know there's not enough for a full length version. Although there is always the possibility of a shortened black underskirt trimmed in deep black and silver plaid ruffles. I know I have some purple linen as well...And a ton of other stuff. I really need to go through all my bins. Oh and there's a ton of bright pink satin, maybe that should go towards my 18th century outfit.
How to make an 18th century petticoat links:
http://americanduchess.blogspot.com/2011/02/how-to-make-18th-century-petticoat.html (btw I follow this blog and recommend it highly)
I'm actually rather tempted to adapt patterns in my stash or that are easily purchase-able patterns to make something vaguely 18th century but not 100% accurate. After all, I am a steampunk. Can I steampunk the 18th century?
Corset Ideas:
A ribbon corset. This is a corset made of ribbon instead of fabric. I'm thinking I could adapt my underbust corset pattern to make one of these quite easily. Now do I have any ribbon in my stash...
A ribbon corset from an awesome corsetry blog, Bridges on the Body.
A corset based on Dr. Warner's Sanitary Corset from the late 1870s. It just looks so very steampunk-able to me.

The front buttons...

And the back has elastic. (Photos from the Antique Corset Gallery)
A corset based on the Kabo Girdle 801. This is a wrap around corset which is so unusual and amazing.

Front view

Back view. (Photos from the Antique Corset Gallery).
And now for my newest corset obsession, the corset with shoulder braces. I want to make a high backed, underbust corset with straps that fasten over the shoulders. I've been collecting some denim that might work well with this...or maybe I should do it for my gypsy costume...
From Ageless Patterns
- fall/winter sewing
- elf punk
- sewing for Miss Von Stoup
- Harley Quinn revamp
- patchwork skirt for gypsy-punk
- stash sewing: cream and black satin, black and silver plaid, purple linen, bright pink satin
- corsets
A bientot!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Fall/Winter Wardrobe sewing
I cut out the pink jumper yesterday and started to pin the darts but got tired of it. There are A LOT of darts in that pattern. I also sorted out zippers for my sewing, none of which are perfect matches but if its using a purple 22" zipper in a navy jumper instead of spending the money on a new zipper, then I'm okay with it. The pink jumper is getting a white zipper and the Keeper of the Keys has a white zipper but its actually a separating one.
I brought my elf-punk bustle with me to work so I can sew on the closures (snaps).
I work both jobs today so no sewing after work. Tomorrow, Beau wants to work on fixing one of his costumes. Hopefully, we can get that out of the way fairly quickly and I can work on my sewing.
I brought my elf-punk bustle with me to work so I can sew on the closures (snaps).
I work both jobs today so no sewing after work. Tomorrow, Beau wants to work on fixing one of his costumes. Hopefully, we can get that out of the way fairly quickly and I can work on my sewing.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Elf-Punk and Fall/Winter Wardrobe sewing
Christmas Steampunk Bustle aka "Elf-Punk": For those of you who are uninformed, I love Chirstmas. As in I am obsessed with Christmas. My usual modus operandi is to decorate on November 1st because in my mind once Halloween is over, it's Christmas time. So when the Airship Archon started planning a holiday tea for December (which I may not be able to make it too because of family obligations *sad face*) and I found an old Christmas tablecloth in my Christmas things that was pretty unusable as a tablecloth because it had been ruined in one spot by children with paint (yes, it was me and my brother, the Luke to my Leia, the Jacen to my Jaina...okay I'm done with the Star Wars twin references lol), I knew that I had to do a Christmas steampunk outfit.
The tablecloth: White background. Trimmed in white fringe. Border pattern of poinsettas, bows and leaves in greens, reds, and burgundies.
I started off by cutting the tablecloth in half. Then I cut out the middle of one half to have a half circle to use as the apron:

Apron: Stage One
I created the top of the bustle with a half circle of white taffeta cut to roughly match the top of my bustle pillow. I edged it in white lace then started building the bustle. I removed the damaged portion of the center-less tablecloth half, finished the ends, ran a gathering stitch along the top edge and gathered it to fit the top of the bustle.

Bustle: Stage One
Next, I took the complete tablecloth half, found its center and the bustle top center, pinned the centers together then pinned along the bustle top. The remaining edge was finished as I stitched the two together.

Bustle: Stage Two
Now I went back to the apron. I used my trusty Simplicity 5457 (OOP) to make the apron back which I cut out of black cotton. I finished the lower edge of the apron with lace to match the bustle lace and a bit of fringe taken from the damaged section of tablecloth. Then I finished the top edge and sewed the apron back to the ends.
All that's left to do is sew on some closures. I plan to wear the bustle and apron with my black underskirt, a white blouse and either my burgundy bodice or a red corduroy bodice that I have never worn. I also plan to make or decorate a hat to match, probably with some poinsettas and maybe some other Christmas-y decorations.
With my elf-punk out of the way for the time being, I moved on to cutting out some patterns for my fall / winter wardrobe sewing. I need new work clothes!
First up, the keeper of the keys skirt. I used Vogue 2429, a sundress pattern that I love. I just cut out the skirt for view I. I think I have a self drafted waistband somewhere to use. There was about a half yard of fabric left over, I'm thinking I may need to make a waist cincher for when I wear the skirt for play and not work.

Vogue 2429, I used the skirt from View I, the green plaid

Keeper of the Keys fabric: the light makes it look yellow but in reality it's a white background with black keys.
Next, I cut Simplicity 3673 (retro jumper) out of dark blue wide wale corduroy. I went with View A (the blue one on the right) but I'm not making the belt. Since it's a jumper, I cut the largest size on my pattern, just to be on the safe side.

Simplicity 3673, the staple of my winter wardrobe.
I'm planning to cut view C (the full skirted center option) out of pink and grey pinstriped shirting tonight after work.
fall / winter,
normal clothes,
Adventures in Quilting - The Final Post and What's Next for Miss Wilde
I finished my mother's wall hanging and Beau's quilt yesterday. The binding of the quilt seemed like it took forever due to the size. But its DONE and he's happy and I'm sure mother will be as well. I passed on putting on a hanger, because I don't know what kind of hanger to put on there. I may add it sometime between now and Christmas, when I can talk to her about it.
I went shopping yesterday. What I bought: white flannel with black keys on it for a skirt (suitable for work and steampunk), pink with a grey pinstripe shirting for a jumper (Simplicity retro pattern mentioned in previous posts), the binding for both abovementioned projects, some white blizzard fleece for Beau to use in a costume, and some comic printed fabric for something for Beau for Christmas. Currently I'm thinking a Christmas stocking with matching pajama pants trimmed in the leftovers (there's not enough for pajama pants, maybe for boxers but I don't know if he'd wear those and I've been thinking about making us stockings so I think that's the best route).
I also started the bustle for my Christmas steampunk outfit (I'm calling it "elf-punk") -- I cut the tablecloth I'm using in half and started assembling the bustle with the aid of my dressmaker's dummy. I fastened the bustle pillow on her butt and went to town. Once the bustle's done, I'm planning to make a fabulous Christmas-y hat / fascinator to go with it. I just need to figure out what to use as the base to pile on flowers and other fun stuff.
After the elf-punk dress is finished, I will move on to the normal work clothes: Finishing a skirt that's already cut out. The keeper of the keys skirt. The retro pink jumper. And retro out of some wide wale blue corduroy, either a jumper or a skirt. And then of course the Christmas stockings. I think I may need to pick up some Tinkerbell fabric for my stocking / pajama pants combo. EDIT I also have some UC Bearcats fabric left over from a remnant I bought earlier this year (I made myself a bandana). If I have enough, I might use this for my combo instead.
As for other Christmas presents, my father has no idea what he wants me to get him and my brother and sister in law have told me that they cannot afford presents this year and so don't want me to spend any money on them.
Okay, I'm going to get dressed (still in my robe and slippers! lol) and head down to the sewing room for a little elf-punk fun.
A bientot!
I went shopping yesterday. What I bought: white flannel with black keys on it for a skirt (suitable for work and steampunk), pink with a grey pinstripe shirting for a jumper (Simplicity retro pattern mentioned in previous posts), the binding for both abovementioned projects, some white blizzard fleece for Beau to use in a costume, and some comic printed fabric for something for Beau for Christmas. Currently I'm thinking a Christmas stocking with matching pajama pants trimmed in the leftovers (there's not enough for pajama pants, maybe for boxers but I don't know if he'd wear those and I've been thinking about making us stockings so I think that's the best route).
I also started the bustle for my Christmas steampunk outfit (I'm calling it "elf-punk") -- I cut the tablecloth I'm using in half and started assembling the bustle with the aid of my dressmaker's dummy. I fastened the bustle pillow on her butt and went to town. Once the bustle's done, I'm planning to make a fabulous Christmas-y hat / fascinator to go with it. I just need to figure out what to use as the base to pile on flowers and other fun stuff.
After the elf-punk dress is finished, I will move on to the normal work clothes: Finishing a skirt that's already cut out. The keeper of the keys skirt. The retro pink jumper. And retro out of some wide wale blue corduroy, either a jumper or a skirt. And then of course the Christmas stockings. I think I may need to pick up some Tinkerbell fabric for my stocking / pajama pants combo. EDIT I also have some UC Bearcats fabric left over from a remnant I bought earlier this year (I made myself a bandana). If I have enough, I might use this for my combo instead.
As for other Christmas presents, my father has no idea what he wants me to get him and my brother and sister in law have told me that they cannot afford presents this year and so don't want me to spend any money on them.
Okay, I'm going to get dressed (still in my robe and slippers! lol) and head down to the sewing room for a little elf-punk fun.
A bientot!
normal clothes,
pajama pants,
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Project Update!
Beau's Quilt: It's been lengthened. Up next is basting the edges and binding it, neither of which is likely to happen at the moment because I'm going to have to rearrange my sewing area (move a couple things off the sewing table and move the sewing table out from the wall so there's room to work on the quilt).
Christmas: I put the backing of my mother's wall hanging together and pinned everything together. The batting is pieced: one big piece in the middle with a narrower piece at each end (left over from trimming Beau's quilt). After pinning, I started to quilt it. I'm quilting it with a dark orange thread, I think it coordinates well with the fall palette of the applique. After the quilting's finished (which it may be this evening actually), I'll baste the edges and then move on to binding it.

Wall hanging in progress.
Christmas: I put the backing of my mother's wall hanging together and pinned everything together. The batting is pieced: one big piece in the middle with a narrower piece at each end (left over from trimming Beau's quilt). After pinning, I started to quilt it. I'm quilting it with a dark orange thread, I think it coordinates well with the fall palette of the applique. After the quilting's finished (which it may be this evening actually), I'll baste the edges and then move on to binding it.

Wall hanging in progress.
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