Hello my dear readers,
I got a lot done today. I started by cutting out the interlining, pinned it to the bodice pieces, then looked at the directions and realized the interlining gets sewn to the lining not the outer fabric so I had to take apart the lining (which was only basted together anyway) then pin and sew the interlining to the lining pieces.
The directions call for you to trim the front of the bodice before stitching it together, so I pulled out my green ribbon and white lace but when I laid them on top of the bodice front, it didn't thrill me. I'll probably either leave it untrimmed or I will add the trim later if I decide I do like it but the lace and ribbon has been set aside for the time being.
I put together the lining and the bodice - darted the front, sewed the back to the side back and then the front to the back at the shoulders - and decided to forgo the boning. Then I stitched the lining to the bodice along the neck line, clipped the curves, turned it and basted all the raw edges together.
Next, I cut my own bias strips from the clock fabric to use in place of the packaged bias that the pattern calls for. My main reasoning for this was because while I have several shades of packaged bias, none went with my fabric. Making my own seemed like the best move. This is my technique for using bias on this project - pin along one side right sides together, machine stitch, fold the edge over, encase the raw edge and hand stitch into place.
One piece of bias was used to finish the front edge of the bodice. Then I made the peplum and attached it to the back of the bodice, finishing the raw edge where it attached with more bias. Next, the front and the back of the bodice were sewn together at the side seams and still more bias was used to encase the raw edges. My final task of the day was to use bias to finish the armholes of the bodice. One side was machine stitched on but the other is just pinned because my fingers hurt from hand sewing the rest of the bias on. All that is left on the bodice is to put the zipper in and then trim it.
Until next time,
Miss Leah J. Wilde
EDIT: photos added
The bodice while I was putting it together

The bias