Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Current To Do List - Summer Sewing and Teslacon Prep

As you all know, dear readers, I'm attending Teslacon for the first time this fall.  I'm super excited (and a little nervous to be honest!) so here's what might be an overly ambitious to do list:

1. Steam-casual sundress for Toledo War, which I've already started because it needs to be taken care of and out of the way. Deadline: Oh let's say this coming Sunday, July 6th. It's already cut out and I've started pinning it so hopefully it won't take too long. Although I am going home this weekend and I no longer have a machine there because it's up here so...we'll see. Maybe I can do some hand sewing at home. 

Realization: I need to make my mom a scrub top too...*sigh* One for the summer and one for Halloween time.

2. Victorian swimsuit: I ordered the pattern today, so hopefully that'll get shipped out this week so I can start working on it. I anticipate that there will be some pattern work / sizing involved because the pattern was marked a 'medium' with no measurements included. Once I get that figured out, I can buy the fabric because right now, I have absolutely no idea how much I need. Deadline: August 15th. (hell, if I'm going to be ambitious, might as well go all the way!)

3. Black and Gold Rococo Punk: This is basically gonna be from the skin out -- stays, jacket, bloomers, panniers...You get the picture. Deadline for the stays: September 1st. Deadline for everything else: November 1st.

4. Fixing my gold polonaise: There's one or two fitting issues that need corrected, and then I need to add more black braid. Deadline: September 15th.

5. Green Sari Bustle Gown: This is another skin out outfit. I already have the overskirt cut out, and I have a friend that's letting me trace her copy of a pattern for the bodice, but I also need to make an 1880s petticoat and underskirt. At least I already have the lobster tail bustle, right?! I also need to decide what color underskirt I'm doing, because that may affect what I do with the bodice... I'll probably try to do the petticoat first, then the underskirt and actually work from the skin out. But the overskirt might happen first since it's already cut out and easy to throw together, especially since I've made the pattern before. Deadline: Before I leave for Teslacon

6. Make a garrison hat for my black and gold airship uniform

7. Revamp my steampunk Harley Quinn a little

All that in a little over four months. Why do I do this to myself? Oh, because I like it! lol

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