As of August 22:
1. Miss Von Stoup's post apoc skirt didn't work out -- issues with the hoop skirt. So we decided to use some of the Asian fabric to make a quick skirt to go with her jacket. We used the circle skirt tutorial I used on my mystery costume and offset the center so it was shorter in the front than in the back. And instead of a waistband and zipper / closure combination, we went with an elastic waist. She took it home un-hemmed because she's hoping to trim it. So my part is DONE.
2. I haven't touched the vest and won't work on it today.
3. And the new kilt is DONE. I made two wide belt loops to fit the D rings we bought yesterday and sewed them on with the D rings.
As of August 24:

Current state of my Ottoman vest. All I have to do is finish filling in the left side (which you can see has already been started) and then go back through and add more pink so it stands out more. I may add either pink embroidery or pink ribbon to the edge of the border so it looks more finished.
As of August 25:
Worked on the vest a bit more last night. The top little triangle of black that you can see in the above picture has been filled in and I started on the next section down.
I also worked on my packing and it is almost finished. All I need to do is buy hair dye and dye my hair this weekend as well as pick up some white face makeup for Harley Quinn. I plan to take care of that tomorrow. My parents are meeting me on Sunday to bring me two bags that I think will work wonderfully for DragonCon. I read an article about the convention and it recommended taking a large bag that would hold everything you need. And since I have a couple large travel purses at my parents' house, they were nice enough to find them and offered to bring them to me. Plus I get dinner out of the deal.
As of August 26:
The excitement is really starting to set in! I packed up the food and my garment bag to take over to the beau's today at his request -- he wants to have as much there as possible. The suitcase had to be left behind for two reasons: (1) Its not ready because last minute things will have to go in and (2) There simply wasn't room in my car's trunk because I have laundry to do this weekend. So the suitcase will have to wait.
I finished another section on my vest yesterday so all I have left is the very front of the left side, maybe about 6 inches or so.

And because I think I forgot to upload it earlier, a photograph of my Time Traveler hat:

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