Monday, August 15, 2011

DragonCon To Do List -- Week of August 15th

Progress on last week's (Aug 8) to do list:

1. Post apocalyptic jacket was fitted, pinned and hemmed. So its DONE. Up next: the skirts, once the hoops are done.

2. I worked on the vest and one side is done! Now to do the collar and the other side...

3. The Ottoman bustle is DONE.

4. The Persian pants are almost done. I just need to sew closures onto the waist. I did end up putting elastic in the cuffs, it was just easier plus it ensured a good fit and the ability to get the pants on and off easily.

5. While I worked on the Time Traveler hat band, it is not finished. I'm going to seek outside help with the watches and I need to add some trim and ribbon to the hat.

6. While I didn't get the muslin made and fitted, I did cut out the Time Traveler ballgown bodice muslin. As well as thought about my trimming plans for it.

7. The pocket on the red and black kilt is DONE.

8. And I started his new kilt. I cut and hemmed the fabric last week and backed it with the denim over the weekend. I pleated it, fitted it, and shortened it by about 4 inches (it was rather long) before hand stitching the pleats down, attaching the waistband and working on hand stitching it into place. All that's left to do is finish stitching the waistband in place, make and attach belt loops, add D rings to the kilt, clips to the finished sporran, and closures to the kilt.

And now for this week's list:

1. Hopefully start on the post apocalyptic skirts, but that depends on whether or not Miss Von Stoup finishes her hoop skirt.

2. Continue working on the vest. I think my goal for this week is going to be getting the collar done. Then I'll have about two weeks to finish the other side of the front.

3. Sew closures on the Persian pants waistband.

4. Finish the Time Traveler hat band. I need to meet with a friend to deconstruct the watches, then sew them onto the band which I think is going to be decorated with a little green ribbon and white lace...

5. I'd like to at least get the Time Traveler ballgown bodice muslin put together and fitted. I'd prefer to get it made out of the satin so I can start decorating it.

6. Finish the new kilt: Stitch the waistband in place. Belt loops. D rings and clips. Closures.

7. And over the weekend with the beau's help -- He needs a new RFT vest. He knows how to do it and just needs me to help with a little sewing. It shouldn't take long. I hope.

Although I don't if I'll get to it this week, if I have time I'd like to make myself a little skirt to wear to conventions out of the rest of the kilt fabric...

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