Tuesday, August 30, 2011

DragonCon Schedule

Those that know me well, know that I over-plan conventions. And DragonCon is no different. My schedule is organized into three categories: Musts, Hopefullys and If I can, cool; If I can't, that's fine too. I won't be posting my entire schedule because there is way too much on there.

I'd like to see Frenchy and the Punk if possible, but I have dinner and party plans that evening so I'm not sure if that'll happen. And they have another show later in the weekend as well.

Pern 101 at 1 pm in Hyatt, Vinings. It's part of the Anne McCaffrey Worlds track and I'd like to go mainly as a costumer -- I want to do a Dragonrider costume and I'd like to see what everyone else is wearing.

Steampunk Persona and Airship Crew Spectacular at 7 pm in Westin - International BC. I know three of the panelists, including my dear Captain LaGrange. Plus it sounds like an interesting panel.

There's lots of other things on my schedule for Friday, but not anything that I feel I really want to see. Miss Von Stoup has requested we attend 1632 - Chocoholics in 1632 Withdrawal or Not at 4 pm that afternoon however.

There's the parade in the morning at 10 am. I will be marching with the Alternative History track, most likely in the Time Traveler.

At 7 pm, the Costuming track is giving a panel on Kilt Making, which I am super excited about. (Unfortunately, at the same time is Steampunk and Orientalism which I'd also like to attend. C'est la vie.)

The only other thing that is a must on Saturday is the Abney Park concert at midnight.

Some maybes: Time Lord Ethics: The Doctor as a Meddler; Interview with Sherrilyn Kenyon (she's one of my favorite authors); Crypto the Basics and Beyond and an alternative history panel on Highland Scots, conveniently scheduled right after the kilt making panel.

There is a two and a half hour long Steampunk Exhibition that starts at 1 pm. I figured it would be interesting (and a good place for ideas!) Same thing goes for the Fashion Show that the Costuming track is hosting at 2 pm.

My must see panel is Carrie Fisher - Honestly at 4 pm in Centennial II-III. I mean, its Carrie Fisher, need I say more?

I'd also like to be a part of the Steampunk World Record Attempt which is at 7 pm.

Maybes: Bad Girls, Bad Dragons (another Pern panel) or 1632 Points East (alt history) both are at 10 am. Romani Trail and Silk Road or Costumes of History at 1130 am (leaning towards the Romani one, because I'm interested in doing a steampunk gypsy costume). There's a corset making panel that evening and Steampunk Themes in Doctor Who later on.

Things That Go Bump in the Timeline: Supernatural Alternative History at 1130 am in International BC. I really want to go to this panel because (1) my friend Leanna is a panelist and (2) its something I'm interested in.

And the Costuming track is giving a panel on Pattern Making: Designing and Frankensteining at 230 pm in Marriott M103-105, which I'm excited about.

There's a few other panels on my list but nothing else I'm really super interested in.

Usually, I even plan out what costumes I'm wearing when during a convention. I'm not bothering for DragonCon. I'll just wear what I want to wear when I want to wear it.

What I'm taking: the Time Traveler; Both versions of Harley Quinn (Diamonds are Forever and Comic Book); Gorg; Imperial Office; the mystery costume; Confederate Vivandiere; Persian steampunk (which I've started calling Persian-punk); Lady of the Ottoman Empire and Victorian Underwear (I don't know if the last really counts as a costume necessarily...). Along with an assortment of geeky tshirts to be worn with jeans, leggings or a skirt, plus a SW drape to be worn with a mini and tank top for parties wherein my beau is wearing his new kilt.

See you there!!!

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