Those that know me well, know that I over-plan conventions. And DragonCon is no different. My schedule is organized into three categories: Musts, Hopefullys and If I can, cool; If I can't, that's fine too. I won't be posting my entire schedule because there is way too much on there.
I'd like to see Frenchy and the Punk if possible, but I have dinner and party plans that evening so I'm not sure if that'll happen. And they have another show later in the weekend as well.
Pern 101 at 1 pm in Hyatt, Vinings. It's part of the Anne McCaffrey Worlds track and I'd like to go mainly as a costumer -- I want to do a Dragonrider costume and I'd like to see what everyone else is wearing.
Steampunk Persona and Airship Crew Spectacular at 7 pm in Westin - International BC. I know three of the panelists, including my dear Captain LaGrange. Plus it sounds like an interesting panel.
There's lots of other things on my schedule for Friday, but not anything that I feel I really want to see. Miss Von Stoup has requested we attend 1632 - Chocoholics in 1632 Withdrawal or Not at 4 pm that afternoon however.
There's the parade in the morning at 10 am. I will be marching with the Alternative History track, most likely in the Time Traveler.
At 7 pm, the Costuming track is giving a panel on Kilt Making, which I am super excited about. (Unfortunately, at the same time is Steampunk and Orientalism which I'd also like to attend. C'est la vie.)
The only other thing that is a must on Saturday is the Abney Park concert at midnight.
Some maybes: Time Lord Ethics: The Doctor as a Meddler; Interview with Sherrilyn Kenyon (she's one of my favorite authors); Crypto the Basics and Beyond and an alternative history panel on Highland Scots, conveniently scheduled right after the kilt making panel.
There is a two and a half hour long Steampunk Exhibition that starts at 1 pm. I figured it would be interesting (and a good place for ideas!) Same thing goes for the Fashion Show that the Costuming track is hosting at 2 pm.
My must see panel is Carrie Fisher - Honestly at 4 pm in Centennial II-III. I mean, its Carrie Fisher, need I say more?
I'd also like to be a part of the Steampunk World Record Attempt which is at 7 pm.
Maybes: Bad Girls, Bad Dragons (another Pern panel) or 1632 Points East (alt history) both are at 10 am. Romani Trail and Silk Road or Costumes of History at 1130 am (leaning towards the Romani one, because I'm interested in doing a steampunk gypsy costume). There's a corset making panel that evening and Steampunk Themes in Doctor Who later on.
Things That Go Bump in the Timeline: Supernatural Alternative History at 1130 am in International BC. I really want to go to this panel because (1) my friend Leanna is a panelist and (2) its something I'm interested in.
And the Costuming track is giving a panel on Pattern Making: Designing and Frankensteining at 230 pm in Marriott M103-105, which I'm excited about.
There's a few other panels on my list but nothing else I'm really super interested in.
Usually, I even plan out what costumes I'm wearing when during a convention. I'm not bothering for DragonCon. I'll just wear what I want to wear when I want to wear it.
What I'm taking: the Time Traveler; Both versions of Harley Quinn (Diamonds are Forever and Comic Book); Gorg; Imperial Office; the mystery costume; Confederate Vivandiere; Persian steampunk (which I've started calling Persian-punk); Lady of the Ottoman Empire and Victorian Underwear (I don't know if the last really counts as a costume necessarily...). Along with an assortment of geeky tshirts to be worn with jeans, leggings or a skirt, plus a SW drape to be worn with a mini and tank top for parties wherein my beau is wearing his new kilt.
See you there!!!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Pics of Finished Ottoman Vest
The front of the finished vest:
The back of the finished vest:
Ideally, this will be an ongoing project. The next step would be finishing the rest of the border and then filling in all the open spaces. However I do not know if this will ever actually come to be. It might stay this way.
Dragon Con,
lady of the ottoman empire
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Ottoman Vest Embroidery... FINISHED!
Pictures to follow. Probably tomorrow, after I (attempt) to iron it so it looks all pretty and properly shaped. The couched embroidery deformed it some.
In other news, I'm almost ready for DragonCon. Just a little more packing to do, and charging of batteries and my Ipod. I also need to decide which purse to use that my parents brought me. Overall, I'm almost ready. Almost.
In three days, I'll probably be napping before we leave for Atlanta.
Dragon Con,
lady of the ottoman empire
Monday, August 22, 2011
Twas the Week Before DragonCon...
As of August 22:
1. Miss Von Stoup's post apoc skirt didn't work out -- issues with the hoop skirt. So we decided to use some of the Asian fabric to make a quick skirt to go with her jacket. We used the circle skirt tutorial I used on my mystery costume and offset the center so it was shorter in the front than in the back. And instead of a waistband and zipper / closure combination, we went with an elastic waist. She took it home un-hemmed because she's hoping to trim it. So my part is DONE.
2. I haven't touched the vest and won't work on it today.
3. And the new kilt is DONE. I made two wide belt loops to fit the D rings we bought yesterday and sewed them on with the D rings.
As of August 24:

Current state of my Ottoman vest. All I have to do is finish filling in the left side (which you can see has already been started) and then go back through and add more pink so it stands out more. I may add either pink embroidery or pink ribbon to the edge of the border so it looks more finished.
As of August 25:
Worked on the vest a bit more last night. The top little triangle of black that you can see in the above picture has been filled in and I started on the next section down.
I also worked on my packing and it is almost finished. All I need to do is buy hair dye and dye my hair this weekend as well as pick up some white face makeup for Harley Quinn. I plan to take care of that tomorrow. My parents are meeting me on Sunday to bring me two bags that I think will work wonderfully for DragonCon. I read an article about the convention and it recommended taking a large bag that would hold everything you need. And since I have a couple large travel purses at my parents' house, they were nice enough to find them and offered to bring them to me. Plus I get dinner out of the deal.
As of August 26:
The excitement is really starting to set in! I packed up the food and my garment bag to take over to the beau's today at his request -- he wants to have as much there as possible. The suitcase had to be left behind for two reasons: (1) Its not ready because last minute things will have to go in and (2) There simply wasn't room in my car's trunk because I have laundry to do this weekend. So the suitcase will have to wait.
I finished another section on my vest yesterday so all I have left is the very front of the left side, maybe about 6 inches or so.

And because I think I forgot to upload it earlier, a photograph of my Time Traveler hat:

Sunday, August 21, 2011
DragonCon To Do List -- Week of August 22nd (this is probably the last one!)
Last week's progress:
1. Post apocalyptic skirts -- Nothing.
2. Ottoman vest -- It's approaching being finished! It's a more than halfway done right now! I just need to finish the left side of the front!
3. Persian pants -- DONE
4. Time Traveler hat -- DONE
5. Time Traveler ballgown bodice -- Canceled.
6. Kilt -- Almost done. I need to make bigger belt loops for the front that will fit the D rings we bought and sew them and the D rings on and it'll be finished. The clips have been sewn onto the sporran. As for the matching skirt, I'm just going to wear a drape of the left over fabric over my shoulder.
7. RFT vest -- Canceled (probably)
I'm almost there!
And it wasn't on my list, but I also sewed a patch onto a new plain black purse for use at DragonCon.
Last minute to do list before DragonCon:
1. Finish Miss Von Stoup's post apocalyptic costume. We've planned for her to come over this evening to work on the skirts.
2. Finish the left side of the front of my Ottoman vest, then go back in and add more pink. I may even add some pink ribbon if I can but it's not that important if it doesn't happen.
3. Finish the new kilt. Make wider belt loops for the front, sew them on and attach the D rings.
Everything else that needs done is non-sewing stuff: packing, bleaching and dyeing my hair, some last minute shopping for makeup and toiletries, that kind of thing.
1. Post apocalyptic skirts -- Nothing.
2. Ottoman vest -- It's approaching being finished! It's a more than halfway done right now! I just need to finish the left side of the front!
3. Persian pants -- DONE
4. Time Traveler hat -- DONE
5. Time Traveler ballgown bodice -- Canceled.
6. Kilt -- Almost done. I need to make bigger belt loops for the front that will fit the D rings we bought and sew them and the D rings on and it'll be finished. The clips have been sewn onto the sporran. As for the matching skirt, I'm just going to wear a drape of the left over fabric over my shoulder.
7. RFT vest -- Canceled (probably)
I'm almost there!
And it wasn't on my list, but I also sewed a patch onto a new plain black purse for use at DragonCon.
Last minute to do list before DragonCon:
1. Finish Miss Von Stoup's post apocalyptic costume. We've planned for her to come over this evening to work on the skirts.
2. Finish the left side of the front of my Ottoman vest, then go back in and add more pink. I may even add some pink ribbon if I can but it's not that important if it doesn't happen.
3. Finish the new kilt. Make wider belt loops for the front, sew them on and attach the D rings.
Everything else that needs done is non-sewing stuff: packing, bleaching and dyeing my hair, some last minute shopping for makeup and toiletries, that kind of thing.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Progress -- Aug 15th To Do List
It's time for your mid-week update on what Miss Wilde has been doing!!!
I've been working on my vest every day, even if only for a few minutes. I have the largest section in the back filled, the others are all pretty small and should fill quickly. UPDATE 8/19 -- The vest is halfway done!!
I fixed the inner leg seam and sewed on the closures, which means the Persian pants are DONE.
I went to a friend who happily took the bands off some of my watches. I came home, pulled out some ribbon and a needle and thread and went to town. I now have an almost completed Time Traveler hat band. I think it needs some lace... UPDATE 8/19 -- The hat is DONE.
The new kilt is almost done. I finished stitching the waistband and added a graphic to the front of the sporran (the beau's idea, not mine. I think it should have been left plain). I made belt loops and then had to re do them because they were too heavy (there was denim inside, bad idea). The new ones are cut and waiting to be sewn on. I plan to purchase clips and D rings this weekend to get that done. And two of the four closures have been sewn on. UPDATE 8/19 -- Closures are finished. Most of the belt loops have been sewn on. I left the two front ones unsewn on the bottom so I can put D rings there. All that's left is D rings and clips!
I'm planning to buy a black purse and decorate with one of the Star Wars patches my beau gave me. Or use it plain. But I need a new purse, one big enough to hold the flask he's giving me to use at DragonCon. UPDATE 8/19 -- Buying this tomorrow.
I think I'm going to pass on the ball gown bodice for the Time Traveler. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed and need to cut something somewhere. That bodice seemed like the best thing, since its the least complete (the muslin's together, but not fitted). I'm also not making a skirt to match the new kilt. My mother made the point that women used to wear tartan over the shoulders as a drape, so I plan to just take the left over fabric and either do that or wear it as a sarong. So that's something else off my list.
In non sewing news, the 'to pack' pile keeps growing and I finished my food shopping today. I need to purchase a few more non food items, but at least the food itself is done. I've also started a separated by store shopping list as well as a to do list that includes everything, not just sewing.
UPDATE 8/19 -- I started actually packing instead of just throwing things in my bag or on top of it. I also made trail mix tonight!
In two weeks, I'll be grabbing a few hours of sleep before we get up REALLY early to start the drive south. I'm excited and nervous. Actually I sorta feel like I always do before I fly to Europe...A combination of excitement, nerves, nausea, worry, anticipation, etc. etc. etc.
UPDATE 8/19 -- In two weeks I will have survived my first full day of Dragon Con!
Well, I'm off to bed now, my dearests!
Bonne nuit!
I've been working on my vest every day, even if only for a few minutes. I have the largest section in the back filled, the others are all pretty small and should fill quickly. UPDATE 8/19 -- The vest is halfway done!!
I fixed the inner leg seam and sewed on the closures, which means the Persian pants are DONE.
I went to a friend who happily took the bands off some of my watches. I came home, pulled out some ribbon and a needle and thread and went to town. I now have an almost completed Time Traveler hat band. I think it needs some lace... UPDATE 8/19 -- The hat is DONE.
The new kilt is almost done. I finished stitching the waistband and added a graphic to the front of the sporran (the beau's idea, not mine. I think it should have been left plain). I made belt loops and then had to re do them because they were too heavy (there was denim inside, bad idea). The new ones are cut and waiting to be sewn on. I plan to purchase clips and D rings this weekend to get that done. And two of the four closures have been sewn on. UPDATE 8/19 -- Closures are finished. Most of the belt loops have been sewn on. I left the two front ones unsewn on the bottom so I can put D rings there. All that's left is D rings and clips!
I'm planning to buy a black purse and decorate with one of the Star Wars patches my beau gave me. Or use it plain. But I need a new purse, one big enough to hold the flask he's giving me to use at DragonCon. UPDATE 8/19 -- Buying this tomorrow.
I think I'm going to pass on the ball gown bodice for the Time Traveler. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed and need to cut something somewhere. That bodice seemed like the best thing, since its the least complete (the muslin's together, but not fitted). I'm also not making a skirt to match the new kilt. My mother made the point that women used to wear tartan over the shoulders as a drape, so I plan to just take the left over fabric and either do that or wear it as a sarong. So that's something else off my list.
In non sewing news, the 'to pack' pile keeps growing and I finished my food shopping today. I need to purchase a few more non food items, but at least the food itself is done. I've also started a separated by store shopping list as well as a to do list that includes everything, not just sewing.
UPDATE 8/19 -- I started actually packing instead of just throwing things in my bag or on top of it. I also made trail mix tonight!
In two weeks, I'll be grabbing a few hours of sleep before we get up REALLY early to start the drive south. I'm excited and nervous. Actually I sorta feel like I always do before I fly to Europe...A combination of excitement, nerves, nausea, worry, anticipation, etc. etc. etc.
UPDATE 8/19 -- In two weeks I will have survived my first full day of Dragon Con!
Well, I'm off to bed now, my dearests!
Bonne nuit!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Ottoman Vest Embroidery Progress
Here's a couple photos of the Ottoman vest:
The front, with one side completed. I'm planning to go back and add more pink in so its more noticeable. And I may finish the inside edge with some pink ribbon.
The back / collar aka the section I'm hoping to complete this week.

The front, with one side completed. I'm planning to go back and add more pink in so its more noticeable. And I may finish the inside edge with some pink ribbon.

The back / collar aka the section I'm hoping to complete this week.
Dragon Con,
lady of the ottoman empire
Monday, August 15, 2011
DragonCon To Do List -- Week of August 15th
Progress on last week's (Aug 8) to do list:
1. Post apocalyptic jacket was fitted, pinned and hemmed. So its DONE. Up next: the skirts, once the hoops are done.
2. I worked on the vest and one side is done! Now to do the collar and the other side...
3. The Ottoman bustle is DONE.
4. The Persian pants are almost done. I just need to sew closures onto the waist. I did end up putting elastic in the cuffs, it was just easier plus it ensured a good fit and the ability to get the pants on and off easily.
5. While I worked on the Time Traveler hat band, it is not finished. I'm going to seek outside help with the watches and I need to add some trim and ribbon to the hat.
6. While I didn't get the muslin made and fitted, I did cut out the Time Traveler ballgown bodice muslin. As well as thought about my trimming plans for it.
7. The pocket on the red and black kilt is DONE.
8. And I started his new kilt. I cut and hemmed the fabric last week and backed it with the denim over the weekend. I pleated it, fitted it, and shortened it by about 4 inches (it was rather long) before hand stitching the pleats down, attaching the waistband and working on hand stitching it into place. All that's left to do is finish stitching the waistband in place, make and attach belt loops, add D rings to the kilt, clips to the finished sporran, and closures to the kilt.
And now for this week's list:
1. Hopefully start on the post apocalyptic skirts, but that depends on whether or not Miss Von Stoup finishes her hoop skirt.
2. Continue working on the vest. I think my goal for this week is going to be getting the collar done. Then I'll have about two weeks to finish the other side of the front.
3. Sew closures on the Persian pants waistband.
4. Finish the Time Traveler hat band. I need to meet with a friend to deconstruct the watches, then sew them onto the band which I think is going to be decorated with a little green ribbon and white lace...
5. I'd like to at least get the Time Traveler ballgown bodice muslin put together and fitted. I'd prefer to get it made out of the satin so I can start decorating it.
6. Finish the new kilt: Stitch the waistband in place. Belt loops. D rings and clips. Closures.
7. And over the weekend with the beau's help -- He needs a new RFT vest. He knows how to do it and just needs me to help with a little sewing. It shouldn't take long. I hope.
Although I don't if I'll get to it this week, if I have time I'd like to make myself a little skirt to wear to conventions out of the rest of the kilt fabric...
1. Post apocalyptic jacket was fitted, pinned and hemmed. So its DONE. Up next: the skirts, once the hoops are done.
2. I worked on the vest and one side is done! Now to do the collar and the other side...
3. The Ottoman bustle is DONE.
4. The Persian pants are almost done. I just need to sew closures onto the waist. I did end up putting elastic in the cuffs, it was just easier plus it ensured a good fit and the ability to get the pants on and off easily.
5. While I worked on the Time Traveler hat band, it is not finished. I'm going to seek outside help with the watches and I need to add some trim and ribbon to the hat.
6. While I didn't get the muslin made and fitted, I did cut out the Time Traveler ballgown bodice muslin. As well as thought about my trimming plans for it.
7. The pocket on the red and black kilt is DONE.
8. And I started his new kilt. I cut and hemmed the fabric last week and backed it with the denim over the weekend. I pleated it, fitted it, and shortened it by about 4 inches (it was rather long) before hand stitching the pleats down, attaching the waistband and working on hand stitching it into place. All that's left to do is finish stitching the waistband in place, make and attach belt loops, add D rings to the kilt, clips to the finished sporran, and closures to the kilt.
And now for this week's list:
1. Hopefully start on the post apocalyptic skirts, but that depends on whether or not Miss Von Stoup finishes her hoop skirt.
2. Continue working on the vest. I think my goal for this week is going to be getting the collar done. Then I'll have about two weeks to finish the other side of the front.
3. Sew closures on the Persian pants waistband.
4. Finish the Time Traveler hat band. I need to meet with a friend to deconstruct the watches, then sew them onto the band which I think is going to be decorated with a little green ribbon and white lace...
5. I'd like to at least get the Time Traveler ballgown bodice muslin put together and fitted. I'd prefer to get it made out of the satin so I can start decorating it.
6. Finish the new kilt: Stitch the waistband in place. Belt loops. D rings and clips. Closures.
7. And over the weekend with the beau's help -- He needs a new RFT vest. He knows how to do it and just needs me to help with a little sewing. It shouldn't take long. I hope.
Although I don't if I'll get to it this week, if I have time I'd like to make myself a little skirt to wear to conventions out of the rest of the kilt fabric...
Friday, August 12, 2011
Kent State Exhibitions
There are two costume exhibits at the Kent State University Museum that I would love to see: On the Home Front: Civil War Fashions and Domestic Life which runs from September 30, 2011 to August 26, 2012 and A Day at the Beach which runs from November 18, 2011 to October 7, 2012. Logically, I should wait til after the second exhibit starts to visit, no? They also have a fantastic regular collection of historic costume, from the 18th century to today. *drools* Hmmm, Sundays are free admission, anyone want to visit with me?
From their website regarding the Civil War exhibit: "As Americans observe the 150th anniversary of the beginning of the Civil War, the Kent State University Museum will present an exhibit about the material circumstances and domestic life during the Civil War and in the years that followed. Through the display of women’s and children’s costumes, which will be supplemented with related photographs, decorative arts and women’s magazines, the exhibit “On the Home Front: Civil War Fashions and Domestic Life” will focus on the daily life and experiences of the American civilian population during the Civil War. Far from being a simple trivial diversion during such a critical period, fashion provides a unique window into the lived experience of Americans who despite being far from the battlefields were deeply and immediately touched by the conflict."
From their website regarding the Civil War exhibit: "As Americans observe the 150th anniversary of the beginning of the Civil War, the Kent State University Museum will present an exhibit about the material circumstances and domestic life during the Civil War and in the years that followed. Through the display of women’s and children’s costumes, which will be supplemented with related photographs, decorative arts and women’s magazines, the exhibit “On the Home Front: Civil War Fashions and Domestic Life” will focus on the daily life and experiences of the American civilian population during the Civil War. Far from being a simple trivial diversion during such a critical period, fashion provides a unique window into the lived experience of Americans who despite being far from the battlefields were deeply and immediately touched by the conflict."
And the beachwear exhibit: "The image of women at the seaside in elegant white gowns was a popular subject for Impressionist painters. This exhibition explores the reality of summer tourism with a selection of actual garments of the style that would have been worn near and at the beach. The pieces date from the 1860s to the 1910s and include not only summer daywear for women and children but also swimwear."
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Updated DragonCon To Do List UPDATED 8/16/2011
With less than three weeks to go, my current DragonCon to do list:
1. Confederate Vivandiere uniforms. -- Mine is DONE. Miss Von Stoup's is coming along and the rest of the work is in her hands, not mine.
2. My mystery costume is DONE.
3. Post apocalyptic costume for Miss Von Stoup. -- Jacket is DONE, skirts are waiting til she finishes the hoop skirt.
4. Ottoman vest and bustle improvements. -- Bustle is DONE and I'm still working on the vest.
5. Pants for the Persian costume. -- These are almost done.
6. Time Traveler hat band. -- The band itself has been made. Just trying to figure out the embellishments.
7. Sleep shorts are DONE.
8. Time Traveler ballgown bodice -- Muslin has been cut out and put together
9. Kilts for my beau -- Put a pocket in the red and black plaid one I made last year. Started a new one along with a sporran.
10. And he needs a new vest for his RFT costume. He needs to quit adding to my list!!
11. Star Wars skirt to match the beau's new kilt.
And of course packing. That's definitely on the to do list. Along with shopping for a few things (food, makeup, hair dye, etc).
17 days!
1. Confederate Vivandiere uniforms. -- Mine is DONE. Miss Von Stoup's is coming along and the rest of the work is in her hands, not mine.
2. My mystery costume is DONE.
3. Post apocalyptic costume for Miss Von Stoup. -- Jacket is DONE, skirts are waiting til she finishes the hoop skirt.
4. Ottoman vest and bustle improvements. -- Bustle is DONE and I'm still working on the vest.
5. Pants for the Persian costume. -- These are almost done.
6. Time Traveler hat band. -- The band itself has been made. Just trying to figure out the embellishments.
7. Sleep shorts are DONE.
8. Time Traveler ballgown bodice -- Muslin has been cut out and put together
9. Kilts for my beau -- Put a pocket in the red and black plaid one I made last year. Started a new one along with a sporran.
10. And he needs a new vest for his RFT costume. He needs to quit adding to my list!!
11. Star Wars skirt to match the beau's new kilt.
And of course packing. That's definitely on the to do list. Along with shopping for a few things (food, makeup, hair dye, etc).
17 days!
Progress on August 8th DragonCon To Do List
Thursday seems like a good day for an update on what I've been up to this week, don't you think? Especially since it is officially three weeks til DragonCon. Although if you're a regular reader, you already know a little of what I've been doing.
First up, Miss Von Stoup's post apocalyptic costume. Her hoops are coming along and I had her try on the jacket yesterday. The only change she requested was that it be hemmed (which wasn't the original plan), so after she left I pinned up the hem and I plan to sew it tonight. UPDATE The jacket was hemmed on Friday.
I've been working on the embroidered vest pretty much daily, even if only for a few minutes. It's coming along, but it takes time.
The Ottoman bustle is ready. I pinned it and stitched it down in a couple places Monday night, then let it hang on the dressmaker's form to make sure it would hold. Yesterday I tried it on and liked the drape so it has been added to my 'to pack' pile.
The Persian pants are in process. I found a pale pink satin in my stash that matches the vest almost perfectly. Yesterday, I cut the cuffs and waistband and started pleating the cuffs and waist down to fit. However the pants are much too long so I'm going to have to cut a lot off the legs and maybe alter the leg seam. I'm also thinking of using a little elastic in the cuffs so they'll be easier to put on. I had to rip out part of the back seam so that I could get the pants on. The waistband has been sewn on but needs turned and stitched down to cover the raw edges. Then come the closures.
I also worked on the Time Traveler hat band yesterday. The band is too small, so that may need remedied, perhaps with some ribbon. The feather looks good, but I wouldn't mind more if I can find ones I like at a decent price. The watches are giving me issues though, may need to go to plan B which involves spending money. Or just toss out that idea and just go with feathers and the white band otherwise unadorned. Or just bedeck it in ribbon and trim, I have enough of it.
I haven't started work on the Time Traveler ballgown bodice, but I did pull out some muslin to use. I briefly contemplating attempting a new corseted bodice that I've been wanting to make, but I'd have to make too many alterations for it to be worn with a bustle so I think I'm going to stick to the original plan.
My beau's red and black kilt now has a back pocket. It's welted, which is my standard. Let me just say, putting a welted pocket into a pleated kilt and having to stitch and slash through I don't know how many layers of cotton and denim, was NOT pleasant. But it's DONE.
I also started his new kilt. We decided to go with a sporran instead the pocket route. I plan to make one out of heavy black fabric with clips that that fasten onto D rings on the kilt. I cut out the kilt yesterday. It needs sewn together and part of it needs hemmed. I also cut out what I think will become the sporran. I'm planning two pockets, one for his wallet and one for his phone.
UPDATE Friday: The sporran's done except for the clips, which I need to buy. And the kilt is as far as I can go without the denim, which is at a friend's house.
So there's where I stand on DragonCon preparations! I'll be in Atlanta in THREE WEEKS. I'm sure it goes without saying that I'm a little bit panicked.
First up, Miss Von Stoup's post apocalyptic costume. Her hoops are coming along and I had her try on the jacket yesterday. The only change she requested was that it be hemmed (which wasn't the original plan), so after she left I pinned up the hem and I plan to sew it tonight. UPDATE The jacket was hemmed on Friday.
I've been working on the embroidered vest pretty much daily, even if only for a few minutes. It's coming along, but it takes time.
The Ottoman bustle is ready. I pinned it and stitched it down in a couple places Monday night, then let it hang on the dressmaker's form to make sure it would hold. Yesterday I tried it on and liked the drape so it has been added to my 'to pack' pile.
The Persian pants are in process. I found a pale pink satin in my stash that matches the vest almost perfectly. Yesterday, I cut the cuffs and waistband and started pleating the cuffs and waist down to fit. However the pants are much too long so I'm going to have to cut a lot off the legs and maybe alter the leg seam. I'm also thinking of using a little elastic in the cuffs so they'll be easier to put on. I had to rip out part of the back seam so that I could get the pants on. The waistband has been sewn on but needs turned and stitched down to cover the raw edges. Then come the closures.
I also worked on the Time Traveler hat band yesterday. The band is too small, so that may need remedied, perhaps with some ribbon. The feather looks good, but I wouldn't mind more if I can find ones I like at a decent price. The watches are giving me issues though, may need to go to plan B which involves spending money. Or just toss out that idea and just go with feathers and the white band otherwise unadorned. Or just bedeck it in ribbon and trim, I have enough of it.
I haven't started work on the Time Traveler ballgown bodice, but I did pull out some muslin to use. I briefly contemplating attempting a new corseted bodice that I've been wanting to make, but I'd have to make too many alterations for it to be worn with a bustle so I think I'm going to stick to the original plan.
My beau's red and black kilt now has a back pocket. It's welted, which is my standard. Let me just say, putting a welted pocket into a pleated kilt and having to stitch and slash through I don't know how many layers of cotton and denim, was NOT pleasant. But it's DONE.
I also started his new kilt. We decided to go with a sporran instead the pocket route. I plan to make one out of heavy black fabric with clips that that fasten onto D rings on the kilt. I cut out the kilt yesterday. It needs sewn together and part of it needs hemmed. I also cut out what I think will become the sporran. I'm planning two pockets, one for his wallet and one for his phone.
UPDATE Friday: The sporran's done except for the clips, which I need to buy. And the kilt is as far as I can go without the denim, which is at a friend's house.
So there's where I stand on DragonCon preparations! I'll be in Atlanta in THREE WEEKS. I'm sure it goes without saying that I'm a little bit panicked.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Sewing Day Plans - August 10th
Miss Von Stoup will be over tomorrow evening for a little sewing bee. Looking at my to do list, I think my time will be best spent finishing up projects. So I plan to: (1) Have her try on the post apoc jacket. (2) Try on the Ottoman bustle to make sure I like it with the pants. (3) Finish the Persian pants. I'm sure this will take up the most time. (4) Maybe work on the embroidered vest. (5) If the hoops are done, work on Miss Von Stoup's post apoc skirts. (6) If everything else gets done, start the beau's new kilt and sporran.
By the way, I've found that the best way for me to make my way through my list is to set little goals for myself. Even on the days where I work two jobs. Like yesterday, my goal was to fix my Ottoman bustle (which I did) and at least start the pocket in the red and black kilt (which I also did). Tonight I came home after two jobs with the goal of finishing the pocket (which I did). I wish I could work on the embroidery more, but I'm working on it some every day and its quite tedious so I can only do so much at a time.
What I ended up doing: (1) Miss Von Stoup tried on, approved and requested that her jacket be hemmed. After she left, I pinned the hem. (2) I tried the Ottoman bustle and liked it so it has been added to the DragonCon packing pile. (3) I worked on the Persian pants, but they need more work including shortening the legs (they're much too long), handstitching the waistband down, redoing the cuffs and attaching closures. (4) I worked on the vest earlier today but not this evening. (5) The hoops aren't done, so I didn't work on Miss Von Stoup's post apoc skirts. (6) And I started the new kilt: cut out the fabric, pinned it for a seam and a hem. I also cut out what I believe will become the sporran.
By the way, I've found that the best way for me to make my way through my list is to set little goals for myself. Even on the days where I work two jobs. Like yesterday, my goal was to fix my Ottoman bustle (which I did) and at least start the pocket in the red and black kilt (which I also did). Tonight I came home after two jobs with the goal of finishing the pocket (which I did). I wish I could work on the embroidery more, but I'm working on it some every day and its quite tedious so I can only do so much at a time.
What I ended up doing: (1) Miss Von Stoup tried on, approved and requested that her jacket be hemmed. After she left, I pinned the hem. (2) I tried the Ottoman bustle and liked it so it has been added to the DragonCon packing pile. (3) I worked on the Persian pants, but they need more work including shortening the legs (they're much too long), handstitching the waistband down, redoing the cuffs and attaching closures. (4) I worked on the vest earlier today but not this evening. (5) The hoops aren't done, so I didn't work on Miss Von Stoup's post apoc skirts. (6) And I started the new kilt: cut out the fabric, pinned it for a seam and a hem. I also cut out what I believe will become the sporran.
Dragon Con,
sewing day,
to do list
Sunday, August 7, 2011
DragonCon To Do List - Week of August 8th
Progress on last week's to do list:
1. My Confederate vivandiere costume is DONE. And Miss Von Stoup's jacket is out of my hands and in hers for the finishing touches.
Working on the button placement...
2. Sleep shorts are DONE.
3. I cut out the post apoc jacket and started working on it, it is now ready for a fitting.
4. I worked on the Ottoman embroidery vest.
Current progress.
5. All I did on the Ottoman bustle was to put the skirt lifters on while its on the dressmaker's dummy.
6. I decorated the hat for my mystery costume and bought ribbon for the mitts. I also tried it on with the petticoat, which looked cute even if it didn't have the effect I had hoped for -- to make the skirt lining more visible.
Mystery costume hat.
7. I cut out the Persian pants and started putting them together.
8. And I started the Time Traveler hat band.
Aaaand, my beau added to my to do list -- he wants pockets in the black and red plaid kilt I made him last year and a new kilt for DragonCon.
This week's to do list:
1. Have a fitting and finish the post apoc jacket. It would be nice to start the skirts as well, but that depends on Miss Von Stoup.
2. Work on the embroidered vest (duh).
3. Get the Ottoman bustle ready. Should only take an evening.
4. Finish the Persian pants.
5. Finish the Time Traveler hat band.
6. Start work on the Time Traveler ballgown bodice. I'd at least like to get a muslin made and fitted this week.
7. Put at least one pocket in the red and black kilt for my beau. I'm planning welted pockets with the welts out of the plaid and the pocket itself out of black denim.
8. And start his new kilt. We're doing the same thing as last time -- cotton lined with denim to give it the necessary weight. I have the cotton but the denim is at a friend's house so I won't be able to do too much on it.
Again its a rather heavy list, but since so many of them are little projects I feel that it is sufficient and doable.
1. My Confederate vivandiere costume is DONE. And Miss Von Stoup's jacket is out of my hands and in hers for the finishing touches.

Working on the button placement...
2. Sleep shorts are DONE.
3. I cut out the post apoc jacket and started working on it, it is now ready for a fitting.
4. I worked on the Ottoman embroidery vest.

Current progress.
5. All I did on the Ottoman bustle was to put the skirt lifters on while its on the dressmaker's dummy.
6. I decorated the hat for my mystery costume and bought ribbon for the mitts. I also tried it on with the petticoat, which looked cute even if it didn't have the effect I had hoped for -- to make the skirt lining more visible.

Mystery costume hat.
7. I cut out the Persian pants and started putting them together.
8. And I started the Time Traveler hat band.
Aaaand, my beau added to my to do list -- he wants pockets in the black and red plaid kilt I made him last year and a new kilt for DragonCon.
This week's to do list:
1. Have a fitting and finish the post apoc jacket. It would be nice to start the skirts as well, but that depends on Miss Von Stoup.
2. Work on the embroidered vest (duh).
3. Get the Ottoman bustle ready. Should only take an evening.
4. Finish the Persian pants.
5. Finish the Time Traveler hat band.
6. Start work on the Time Traveler ballgown bodice. I'd at least like to get a muslin made and fitted this week.
7. Put at least one pocket in the red and black kilt for my beau. I'm planning welted pockets with the welts out of the plaid and the pocket itself out of black denim.
8. And start his new kilt. We're doing the same thing as last time -- cotton lined with denim to give it the necessary weight. I have the cotton but the denim is at a friend's house so I won't be able to do too much on it.
Again its a rather heavy list, but since so many of them are little projects I feel that it is sufficient and doable.
adding to my to do list,
Dragon Con,
to do list
Weekend Sewing - August 5th To Do List
1. My Confederate jacket is DONE!
2. Started putting together the post apoc jacket. It's ready for a fitting.
3. The Ottoman vest -- I found the right side of pink floss and worked on both the pink and the silver embroidery.
4. My mystery costume hat is DONE!
5. The Persian pants have been cut out and I started putting them together -- crotch and inside leg seams have been sewn (no outside leg seam because of the way I cut them out). Next up is cuffs and the waistband.
6. The hat band for the Time Traveler hat has been covered.
7. I didn't cut out the ball gown bodice because I didn't have any material to use for the muslin.
I think I had a productive weekend, don't you?
2. Started putting together the post apoc jacket. It's ready for a fitting.
3. The Ottoman vest -- I found the right side of pink floss and worked on both the pink and the silver embroidery.
4. My mystery costume hat is DONE!
5. The Persian pants have been cut out and I started putting them together -- crotch and inside leg seams have been sewn (no outside leg seam because of the way I cut them out). Next up is cuffs and the waistband.
6. The hat band for the Time Traveler hat has been covered.
7. I didn't cut out the ball gown bodice because I didn't have any material to use for the muslin.
I think I had a productive weekend, don't you?
Friday, August 5, 2011
What's in Miss Wilde's Weekend Sewing Basket?
Quite a lot, as usual. :)
1. My Confederate jacket: Planning to sew on the black braid and hopefully the buttons before Monday.
2. Post apocalyptic costume: The cut out jacket is in my car for me to put together if I get the chance.
3. The Ottoman vest. Of course. I just picked up new floss, hopefully the color works, it was one number off from what I've been using...
4. My mystery costume hat and hat band: I'd like to get this done before Monday.
5. Fabric for the Persian pants: Planning to get this cut out.
6. Fabric and belting for the Time Traveler hat band: Planning on getting the band covered.
7. I also packed the ballgown bodice pattern. If I have time, I'd like to do a muslin of it.
1. My Confederate jacket: Planning to sew on the black braid and hopefully the buttons before Monday.
2. Post apocalyptic costume: The cut out jacket is in my car for me to put together if I get the chance.
3. The Ottoman vest. Of course. I just picked up new floss, hopefully the color works, it was one number off from what I've been using...
4. My mystery costume hat and hat band: I'd like to get this done before Monday.
5. Fabric for the Persian pants: Planning to get this cut out.
6. Fabric and belting for the Time Traveler hat band: Planning on getting the band covered.
7. I also packed the ballgown bodice pattern. If I have time, I'd like to do a muslin of it.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
What I've Been Up to this Week or DragonCon Progress, 8/1 to do list
I finished Miss Von Stoup's Confederate jacket (hemmed, topstitched, attached the cuffs, etc). I dropped it off to her at her abode for her to finish the hand sewing portion and picked up a few yards of braid to use on my jacket.
I also hemmed the sleep shorts.

I cut out the jacket for Miss Von Stoup's post apocalyptic outfit. Best part about doing a deconstructed, post apocalyptic costume? I don't have to be careful with my cutting or my sewing.
I managed to work a little on the embroidery, and started preliminary work on the bustle. It's currently on my dress form with skirt lifters in place.
I tried on the mystery costume skirt with a petticoat, and liked it but it didn't have the desired result of making the lining more noticeable. Oh well. I've decided to go with my black straw hat because my pink one was not a close enough match to the pink in the outfit. I started the redecorating process - stripped off the old decorations and started a new hat band.
I haven't touched the Persian pants.
I started work on the Time Traveler hat band and confirmed that the pink hat will work with the costume for the parade, as planned. I also pulled out pink satin for the ballgown bodice and I'm pretty sure it will work as well.

Checking that the pinks match.

With the ruffle.
Packing news: I've started gathering things that I want to take to DragonCon, such as accessories and jewelry. I've also been working on purchasing food and taking care of a couple other little things, like having my check direct deposited.
I also hemmed the sleep shorts.

I cut out the jacket for Miss Von Stoup's post apocalyptic outfit. Best part about doing a deconstructed, post apocalyptic costume? I don't have to be careful with my cutting or my sewing.
I managed to work a little on the embroidery, and started preliminary work on the bustle. It's currently on my dress form with skirt lifters in place.
I tried on the mystery costume skirt with a petticoat, and liked it but it didn't have the desired result of making the lining more noticeable. Oh well. I've decided to go with my black straw hat because my pink one was not a close enough match to the pink in the outfit. I started the redecorating process - stripped off the old decorations and started a new hat band.
I haven't touched the Persian pants.
I started work on the Time Traveler hat band and confirmed that the pink hat will work with the costume for the parade, as planned. I also pulled out pink satin for the ballgown bodice and I'm pretty sure it will work as well.

Checking that the pinks match.

With the ruffle.
Packing news: I've started gathering things that I want to take to DragonCon, such as accessories and jewelry. I've also been working on purchasing food and taking care of a couple other little things, like having my check direct deposited.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
DragonCon Progress Photos
Ottoman vest:

The unfilled in border -- one line of couched down silver metallic thread, two lines of couched thread filled in with pink embroidery floss along the edges.

Close up of a couched down silver spiral.

How one spiral connects to the next.
My Confederate jacket:

The finished cuffs.
Ottoman bustle:

On my dress form with skirt lifters, ready to be pinned and sewn into draping.

The unfilled in border -- one line of couched down silver metallic thread, two lines of couched thread filled in with pink embroidery floss along the edges.

Close up of a couched down silver spiral.

How one spiral connects to the next.
My Confederate jacket:

The finished cuffs.
Ottoman bustle:

On my dress form with skirt lifters, ready to be pinned and sewn into draping.
Monday, August 1, 2011
DragonCon To Do List - Week of August 1st
First up, a look at what I got done on last week's to do list:
1. Confederate jacket - Cuffs have been attached and snaps sewn on.
2. Scarlet Spider is DONE!
3. Mystery jacket - Lining was stitched in place at armholes, which means this jacket is also DONE!
4. I worked on the Ottoman vest embroidery. - All the spirals are done and most have been outlined in two lines of pink (I need more floss). I started the lines of couched metallic thread to fill in the open spaces.
5. I didn't start on the Persian pants (other than printing out the tutorial).
6. I did however cut out and put together a pair of sleep shorts. All that's left is the hem.
This week's to do list:
1. Get as much done on the Confederate jackets as possible. Mine: more braid then 'buttons'. Miss Von Stoup's: Hemmed. Sleeves permanently attached. Cuffs made and then either handed off to her for hand stitching of the braid or I do that myself. Then the cuffs need attached before more braid, snaps and 'buttons' are sewn on.
2. Decide on a length and hem the sleep shorts.
3. Cut out the jacket for the post apocalyptic outfit.
4. Work on the Ottoman embroidery vest.
5. Work on the Ottoman bustle. I have my dress form now and have already fastened the bustle on.
6. See about getting the accessories ready for the mystery costume, as well as trying it all on including a petticoat. I need to decide what hat I'm using first of all.
7. Cut out the Persian pants.
8. Start the Time Traveler hat band.
I know, it is a rather heavy list. But I have the weekend off, and several things are little and won't take much time.
Wish me luck!
1. Confederate jacket - Cuffs have been attached and snaps sewn on.
2. Scarlet Spider is DONE!
3. Mystery jacket - Lining was stitched in place at armholes, which means this jacket is also DONE!
4. I worked on the Ottoman vest embroidery. - All the spirals are done and most have been outlined in two lines of pink (I need more floss). I started the lines of couched metallic thread to fill in the open spaces.
5. I didn't start on the Persian pants (other than printing out the tutorial).
6. I did however cut out and put together a pair of sleep shorts. All that's left is the hem.
This week's to do list:
1. Get as much done on the Confederate jackets as possible. Mine: more braid then 'buttons'. Miss Von Stoup's: Hemmed. Sleeves permanently attached. Cuffs made and then either handed off to her for hand stitching of the braid or I do that myself. Then the cuffs need attached before more braid, snaps and 'buttons' are sewn on.
2. Decide on a length and hem the sleep shorts.
3. Cut out the jacket for the post apocalyptic outfit.
4. Work on the Ottoman embroidery vest.
5. Work on the Ottoman bustle. I have my dress form now and have already fastened the bustle on.
6. See about getting the accessories ready for the mystery costume, as well as trying it all on including a petticoat. I need to decide what hat I'm using first of all.
7. Cut out the Persian pants.
8. Start the Time Traveler hat band.
I know, it is a rather heavy list. But I have the weekend off, and several things are little and won't take much time.
Wish me luck!
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