Friday, February 18, 2011

Updated Completed 2011 Projects and To Do List UPDATED 2/23

Completed Projects

  1. Kermit the Frog pajama pants - stash fabric, thread and pattern
  2. Imperial Officer uniform - purchased fabric and one pattern, stash thread and one pattern
  3. Catwoman for Miss Dashwood
  4. Harem pants for Lady of the Ottoman Empire (steampunk middle eastern ensemble) - stash fabric, pattern and thread
  5. Pin Up Skirt - completed unfinished project
  6. Joker jacket - purchased pattern, stash fabric and thread
  7. Star Wars quilt top for my beau - stash fabric and thread
Not the best photo ever, but here's a shot of my Kermit pjs.

  1. Purple Knit Tunic - purchased fabric and pattern, stash thread
  2. Think Pink Skirt - stash fabric and pattern, purchased thread and zipper
  3. Valentine's Nightie - stash fabric, pattern, thread and ribbon
  4. City Bluescape Skirt - stash fabric, elastic and thread, purchased fabric for border
  5. Imperial Officer pants - purchased fabric, stash pattern, thread and zipper

To Do List
  1. My City Bluescape skirt - no pattern DONE
  2. Bob's drag show commission - February WORKING ON
  3. Adding lace to Miss Dashwood's black cotton bustle
  4. Pants for my Imperial Officer Uniform (maybe) DONE
  5. Alterations for the Captain, Heather and Bobbie - February/March
  6. Finish my beau's Joker costume before MARCon - finishing touches on jacket (buttons etc), pants and vest
  7. New bustle for Harley Quinn. Contemplating using Truly Victorian 101. Also contemplating just figuring it out on my own. Before MARCon
  8. Adding a ruffle to my Harley Quinn petticoat to give the skirt more shape. Before MARCon.
  9. Steampunk Confederate Vivandiere for MARCon. - probably April / May
  10. I'd like to finally get ANH Princess Leia finished - whenever
  11. Simi costume for DragonCon - sometime in the summer
  12. Pink and white steampunk outfit I meant to do in 2010
  13. Black corduroy skirt that I started years ago but now is too short for me to wear anywhere except clubbing. I could add a ruffle at the bottom, maybe out of black floral corduroy to match the jacket I have...
  14. Maybe a commission for one of my beau's friends for a Bill the Butcher costume
  15. I'd like to do a steampunk Rogue costume. She's my favorite Marvel character and since I already have Diamonds are Forever costume for Harley, I feel like I should do Rogue as well. I just have no idea what kind of costume I want to go for or which costume to base it off of. I'll probably do a post on this at some point, to explore my options. One idea I just had is to finish a leather vest I started (made from an old jacket) and use that as part of the costume.
  16. I would love to finish my embroidery quilt before the year is over.
I've decided to give up on the corduroy skirt for now. I've had two pattern fails with it and the weather is starting to warm up, so it'll go back in the stash for next year.

This weekend I would like to
  1. Get a mock up of Bob's corset done. I did exchange it for the correct size last night, so I'm good to go. DONE
  2. Finish my City Bluescape skirt. DONE
  3. Add lace to Miss Dashwood's bustle
  4. Maybe make Imperial Officer pants, I haven't decided yet.
  5. Underline all the pieces for the Joker trousers and maybe start putting them together.
  6. Decide if I'm using a pattern or not for my new bustle.
  7. Work on my embroidery quilt.
Okay, I'm done.

A bientot!

Miss Leah J. Wilde

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