Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Christmas and Ohayocon Prep 3

Hello my dear readers! I made a lot of progress last night on my projects!

First of all, I tidied my sewing area, clearing off a table that sits along the wall (most of the fabric there was left over from recent projects and got shoved in a bin). I put away patterns and sorted through trims - my beau's mother recently gave me a TON of lace, so I sorted it into what I might use on upcoming projects and what I know I won't use. Basically, I kept out white and black lace and put away the cream. Then I started making stacks on the table of things for our Steampunk Rogue's Gallery. One for me, one for my beau. Later on, I'll have one for Miss Dashwood when we start purchasing things. There's also a spot for my brother and sister in law's pajama pants.

Once everything was tidied, I finished my parents' aprons. I started by hemming the ruffle on Maman's apron then sewed the bias onto Papa's and hemmed the bottom of his apron. Two Christmas presents are DONE!

With a bit of my Christmas sewing out of the way, I moved on to Harley Quinn. I decided to start from the bottom up if you will and pulled out the fabric for the petticoat. I measured another shortened version of the pattern I'm using and used that length to cut out the pieces for the HQ petti. Once the pieces were cut, I pinned and sewed them all together. I also put a gathering stitch along the back (where it will gather to fit over the bustle pillow) and measured out a length of red quilt binding to use as the waistband. Currently, I am not doing a ruffle at the bottom of the petticoat, however I do have enough fabric that I could do said ruffle. I think I'll wait and see how it looks under the skirt of the costume and I'll add the ruffle if its necessary. I have the petticoat, polyester horsehair braid for the hem and the waistband in my sewing bag today to work on while at work. Also in my bag are the patterns and fabric for the bustle and corset, I doubt that I'll work on it but I felt better bringing it along.

Christmas to do list
1. Parents' aprons - DONE!
2. Stacey's pajama pants - fabric has been purchased and prewashed, need to be sewn
3. Cliff's pajama pants - need to purchase fabric

Harley Quinn to do list
1. Petticoat - needs to be hemmed, have the waistband attached and have a hook and eye sewn onto the waistband
2. Bustle
3. Corset
4. Underskirt
5. Jacket
6. Top Hat

I'm getting out my camera today to document the petticoat! Pictures to follow!

A bientot!

Miss Leah J Wilde

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