Progress has been made! I finished sewing the green ribbon onto the second ruffle today. I also hemmed the white satin bustle ruffle and stitched gathering stitches into the white and purple satin bustle ruffles. I trimmed the white ruffle so it narrows at the end - that way the ruffle can taper out on the ends and not interfere with the gathering of the bustle to the bustle waistband. I also started pinning the purple ruffle onto the bustle.
Next up:
finish attaching ruffles to bustle
sew lining to outer bustle
sew ring tape onto the underside of the bustle
attach bustle waistband, add hooks
attach waistband to underskirt, add eyes
attach ruffles to underskirt
sew hooks and eyes onto the apron where it fastens over the bustle pillow
finish sleeves of jacket
I am going to do my utmost best to finish this costume this week! Then I can begin the lovely Miss Dashwood's 'conductrix' costume!
Bonne nuit, mes cheris. Dormi bien.
Miss Leah J. Wilde
White satin ruffle in progress:
Purple and white satin ruffles in progress:
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