1. Edwardian chemise - DONE!
Edwardian corset and chemise. I was checking the length to see if I was happy with it. |
2. Airship uniform - I actually *just* sewed the closures on. I can't really figure out a good place for the wrist loops, I kind of tried the side and the middle of the train and I feel like it just ends up looking awkward.
3. New airship uniform corset - DONE! I plowed through and finished it this past weekend, just in time to wear out to Privateer's Promenade 2.0. The corset actually took a lot of work: I screwed up the lining so I ended up putting it in a piece at a time by hand. Which makes for a prettier lining, but it definitely takes longer. I used gold eyelets from my stash, a black busk, and spiral steel (two on each seam). Flat steel would've been sturdier but it does cinch rather nicely. I did pop an eyelet lacing it so that needs replaced before Steamtopia.
Almost finished corset, trying to decide if I wanted to use gold or black for the binding. |
Finished airship uniform corset! |
And my outfit for the Promenade! Everyone said I looked amazing, so I think this is going with me to Steamtopia. |
4. Wash overskirt - Coming along. I added the red ruffle, which was a labor of love: 45 minutes just to pin the hem, then once it was gathered I had to hand stitch it all on. But that's all taken care of now and I've got the waist / side seam pinned for the next step. So it's getting there!
Pinning the hem on around 11 yards of ruffles takes a while... |
All pinned on and ready to sew! |
5. Gold brocade polonaise - I cut out and fitted the mockup, it was just a smidge tight so I'll probably do a 3/8 or 1/2 inch seam instead of 5/8 like my usual. Next up is buying lining, washing the lining and brocade (after I zigzag the brocade's raw edges) and then cutting out the fabric, lining and interlining. I should probably also iron the interlining before I cut it out... I think that's going home with me to my parents' this weekend. I need to have it done by next Tuesday, I have a date with a friend to use her serger to finish the edges of all the brocade pieces so they don't ravel.
6. New white petticoat - DONE! It's really basic and simple but it's a new petticoat!
Basic, white batiste with white denim at for the hem facing and waistband. |
7. Swimsuit - I ended up buying one from JCPenney's. It's a bikini and has this black lace / cut out that looks vaguely like ironwork and I think gives it a steamy feel.
8. Garrison hat - Haven't started or even really found a pattern yet, but I think I'll have time for it before the convention.
9. Grey bodice (the Governess bodice) - I took out some stitching on the ribbons along the front edges and restitched them down after tucking the ends under a little more. The ends were starting to come out so it went on the repair to do list. But now it's DONE!
Also, Sock Dreams had a sale so I picked up a few things for Steamtopia:
L to R: Black Paris knee highs, black sheer to waist pantyhose, black striped lace topped thigh highs and white ruffled shorts to wear with the Edwardian underwear |
T minus three weeks and two days! Cuz all the prep needs done by the 11th.
A bientot, mes amis!