I hemmed ruffle #2 and sewed on the lace. I left the top unhemmed because I'm planning to gather it to match a ribbon and then sew the ribbon onto the skirt. I started hand stitching the green ribbon over the lace on ruffle #2. It is a little time consuming but not horribly so. It'll just be my carry with me project for a while.
Bustle - I cut out the petticoat netting and pinned it to the lining of the bustle.
Next up
1. finish sewing on green ribbon
2. make ruffles for the bustle
3. attach ruffles to bustle
4. sew lining to outer bustle
5. sew ring tape onto the underside of the bustle
6. attach bustle waistband, add hooks
7. attach waistband to underskirt, add eyes
8. sew hooks and eyes onto the apron where it fastens over the bustle pillow
9. attach ruffles to underskirt
10. finish sleeves of jacket
My time traveler is getting there! At least I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, however faint that light might be! THEN I get to worry about my prop. Because the costume will not be complete without it. And I had another idea for a simpler prop that I'd like to add.
Notes on my latest to do list:
Miss Dashwood's costume - I found brown and white striped fabric. Hopefully I have enough for the bloomers. I'll be starting on her costume once mine is finished.
Harley Quinn - I don't expect the hat to give me issues. The only obstacle I might encounter is when I attempt to attach blond pigtails to the hat. I should also acquire some goggles.
ANH Princess Leia - I need to get the boots from my parents' home. And then make the belt. I checked and the costume specifications allow for a vinyl belt which will be cheaper and likely easier than leather. I should also split the sides of the dress to about my knee.
The above are the things that I absolutely MUST finish by Marcon. I have about two months to do it all. If possible I'd like to make Miss Dashwood and I matching pajamas, since we are sharing accommodations and all. If I finish all of the above and have the time before Marcon, I might attempt to make myself an imperial officer's uniform from Star Wars. More than likely, that - along with a similar costume for my beau - will have to wait until after Marcon. Yet another project to add to my list.
A bientot!
Miss Leah J. Wilde.
EDIT photo added
One of the ruffles with the white lace attached and the green ribbon in the process of being sewn on.